Once you have received your dentures, we will give you all the aftercare and tips that you need to get adjusted. Here are some useful tips:
Speaking: At first talking with the dentures in your mouth may feel strange. You could also find it difficult to pronounce certain words. With a bit of practice, you will regain your pronunciation. You can speed up the process by reading out loud and by practicing the difficult words. Over the course of 14 days, you will have re-mastered your speech.
Eating: Chewing food will also need a bit of getting used to. At first start with softer foods such as pasta, mashed potatoes, soup and soft vegetables. Also, cut the food into smaller pieces for easier chewing. Chew on both sides of the mouth. As you grow accustomed to the dentures, you can start introducing other foods and soon you will be on your way to enjoying your meals.
Soreness: In the beginning, you might feel some irritation after having your dentures fitted into your mouth. This usually gives way to comfort soon. If the discomfort continues or even pain comes to fore, then visit us immediately and we will have you be leaving us in greater comfort.
If you are seeking to find the right solution for your missing teeth, then allow us to make you happy. Book your free denture consultation with us at Walton Dental Surgery.