Everyone should have access to dental care delivered to a high quality in a friendly and understanding environment. With us, the fear of the dentist will be a thing of the past.
With a warm ambiance bolstered by a friendly staff, we take your fears away. However, we do understand that in some situations, patients prefer to have sedation for treatments and we are fully equipped and staffed to provide with that service.


Many people avoid dentists due to fear – it’s unnecessary because dentists job is to help you. You don’t have to dither – we understand that the phobia is real but it’s not something that can’t be overcome.


We have created comfort for you by having the equipment and the service necessary to put your mind into relaxation mode so you can benefit from the dental treatments at Walton Dental Surgery.


Our commitment to your individual dental needs, from relieving dental pain to getting rid of unhappiness due to your teeth’s appearance, from overcoming nervousness or a meeting a tight schedule, Walton Dental Surgery has it all covered. With our services, you’ll learn that going to the dentist is indeed a pleasant experience.


Dental Sedation

What is Conscious Sedation?

The aim of sedation is to make you comfortable, totally relaxed and safe during a procedure. Administration of the sedatives and analgesia results in you becoming drowsy and sleepy, pain free, and probably amnesic such that you will have very little recollection of the procedure. Communication is possible if necessary during the operation because even though you are completely relaxed and unconcerned, you are not completey unconscious at any point in time. Your vital signs e.g. blood pressure, breathing, pulse rate, etc are monitored throughout the procedure to ensure your safety, and a sedationist will stay with you all the time. Recovery after sedation is much faster than with general anaesthesia. The same applies for the side effect profile e.g. nausea and vomiting, headaches, muscle pains, sore throats, which is much less than with general anaesthesia – in fact very few patients experience any side effects at all. For these reasons patient satisfaction is very high after conscious sedation

Who would benefit from having Conscious Sedation?

  • Adults who are anxious or fearful of the dentist
  • Patients who are undergoing extended or unpleasant procedures
  • Patients who have other challenges such as pronounced gag reflex

Painless injections – The Wand

We know that some patients get more nervous than others at the mere sight of a needle and syringe. That’s where ‘The Wand’ comes in. It is a small lightweight hand piece that looks very similar to a pen.

The computer controlled system allows for an even-flow delivery of anaesthetic in a very comfortable, non-threatening manner. It eliminates the ‘stinging effect ‘- the painful consequence from a surge of fluid into a confined tissue area.

There are certain injections made possible with The Wand to minimize the unnecessary numbness of the tongue, cheek, and face.

The Wand provides painless injections for all routine dental treatment including root canals, crowns, fillings, and cleanings.

The computer-controlled local anaesthetics delivery system doesn’t look like a syringe. It doesn’t feel like a syringe. And, what’s more, it works better than a syringe resulting in a more pleasant experience.

Please ask your dentist about The Wand at your next visit.